Saturday, February 22, 2014

Feeling Small

Sometimes I feel so small.  I feel insignificant, of little use or value.  I live in the boonies, not even a small town.  I'm not rich or famous.  I'm not "special" by the world's standards.  I'm just me; a farmer's wife.

My days are spent taking care of small things.  Two small children.  Seemingly menial tasks.  Small ministries, at least in numbers. 

It's easy to feel small in such a big world.  I tell God this and He lovingly corrects me.

The enemy of my soul would love to keep me feeling small.  To lead me to believe that I have no influence or power.  The Truth of God's Word tells me different.  In His Word I find that:

God has good plans for ME! 
The Savior of the world knows me, sees me, loves me and has a purpose for my life.
I am significant and what I do matters.  It matters very much.
In the small stuff...that really adds up to the big stuff!
Not only in the small, but especially in the small.  In the every day, mundane stuff of life.
In the seemingly insignificant one on one contact with those in my unique sphere of influence.
What I do for the least of these...
It matters!

God wants me to see that.  And He wants to do even more.  He doesn't want me to miss the joy and opportunity He has for me in the small.

When we are faithful in the small...
He gives even more...
More of Him which means:
More insight, wisdom and revelation.
More faith and hope.
More joy and peace.
More strength and courage.
And isn't that what I want?!  More of Him and less of me.  To become smaller.  Small isn't so bad.  When I become smaller, He becomes greater in me.

So although I am valued, loved and powerful in the name of, because I am all of those things...I am okay with being "small".  And I will choose to see the miracle and joy in the every day stuff of life.  All of it...every part...matters!

"Who dares despise the days of small things..."  Zechariah 4:10
I'm participating in Five Minute Friday.  Okay, so I'm a day late, but who's really keeping track, right?! :)
This is a time when I write on one word for five minutes.  This weeks one word prompt was "Small". 
Jump on over to Lisa-Jo Baker's page to see what others had to say on this subject by clicking the link below:


  1. It's funny you mention not being "special by the world's standard". The world seems to worship celebrities - people that are beautiful, powerful, and wealthy. But is that the standard we want to measure ourselves against? Or against anyone for that matter. I longed for the days when teachers, nurses, and every and any everyday person are valued for what they are. Thanks for sharing!

    Natalie @

  2. I love that verse. You are small ... and super adorable.


  3. What a beautiful perspective on feeling small. I often struggle with that feeling as well, I think especially as SAHM's we do feel that way. In my battles, I try to remember that my purpose is to form and shape my kids for Christ, and to let my marriage be a reflection of His love for us! Not a small task!! :)

  4. Love this post! Such a good and timely reminder!

  5. In being obedient to God you never know what BIG impact you have on others in your "unique sphere of influence".


Thank you for taking the time to comment. I enjoy hearing from you!