Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Let's Talk! Tuesday

Thought I'd give this a try...joining Shelly over at Is That You Lord? for Let's Talk! Tuesday

Random thoughts for this week:

1. Can hardly believe my little Noah is 8 weeks old today. The time after the baby arrives definitely goes faster than the weeks before delivery. :) Thankful for a sweet, contented baby!

2. So thankful for the rain. We needed it. Our corn is saying, “Aaaahhhh, thank you, Lord!” It is amazing how God always provides just what we need, just when we need it. He is faithful!

3. It can be rather stressful taking 2 young children to Wal-Mart. :)

4. Reading the book, “Growing Grateful Kids” by Susie Larson (one of my favorite authors). Funny because I thought I was going to be reading a book about my kids, but really the book is about me…about my personal walk with Christ and then how to apply that to my parenting. Susie says, “You cannot impart what you do not possess. Our kids need to be grateful, but we cannot teach what we do not know. Therefore, we must become sincerely grateful people first.” Amen. I highly recommend this book!

5. It hurts when your kids hurt! I’m really just starting to understand the depth of this.

6. They are having a Fire Fighter themed VBS this week at our church. Yesterday evening they had a real fire engine there along with all the gear and 2 decked out firemen. Andrew was so excited! He even got to take a ride and he thought that was pretty special! Neat to hear how they applied fire fighting to the Christian walk of faith as well.

7. So thankful for the peace and quiet of country living. Sometimes I don’t appreciate it enough. It’s such a blessing to be surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation.

8. Looking forward to our summer book study of “Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl” by Lysa TerKeurst. YOU can join the online study too. If you’re interested click here for details.

9. “Proud to be humble.” God has been working in my heart lately. First about humility, then grace and now forgiveness which all tie in together. You really can’t have one without the other. I wondered where God was going with this at the beginning of this journey, but now the pieces are all coming together. I think I have a new blog post brewing!

10. Appearances. I use to be way more worried about my appearance than I would have ever admitted. It dawned on me the other day that, that has changed quite a bit. Although I want to do the best with what God has given me, I am now more concerned with what is in my heart, than what is on my body. Thankful for a better focus!


  1. Rachel...thanks for linking up today! I enjoyed reading your random things! :) I read Lysa's newest book when it first came out and I LOVED it! It will be a great study! Can't wait to read your new post on humility, grace and forgiveness :) (Now you HAVE to do it! haha)

  2. I love doing these too...so glad you joined!
    So glad that as we Grow older and up in the Lord we focus more on the heart and less on the ol' belly baby pouch...I know!! I got one from two C-sections...it is what it is and it shows I had two awesome kids:0)


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