Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wasting Time

If there’s one thing I hear every day, many times throughout the day, it’s, “Mom, watch this!”  Sometimes it’s, “Mom, look at this.”  Either way, it’s often and coming from both boys.  The two year old follows after the five year old, watching his every move and seeking to imitate it.  He even calls me “Mom” (rather than “Mommy”) just like big brother.  They are busy, rarely sit still, and they want me to take notice, “Watch this.”  Sometimes they mess up that cartwheel, perfect move or rock throw.  That calls for a “do over”.  I watch again.

(My boys throwing rocks in the creek)

There are days when I almost get tired of hearing, “Watch this” yet one more time.  But I remember how fleeting these days are, these days that these two precious little boys are most often under my feet,  wanting my every attention and seeking after only my approval and admiration.  They are growing quickly.  In a blink they will be out of the house, spending time with others that interest them more than dear ol’ mom and entertaining a much larger audience.  This season, my time with them as little boys, is slipping by.  So I watch and admire and say, “Wow, good job!”  I’m not wasting time, I’m building relationships with them, relationships that I pray will last well into their adulthood.  And I am teaching them along the way.  It matters.

God’s been teaching me some things lately (when is He not?!) too...about time.

 I detest wasting time, yet I do it more often than I care to admit.  It’s so easy to spend time.  Once it’s spent, there’s no getting it back.  I have one life.  There are no “do overs”.  I need to be intentional.  I need to spend my time wisely, doing the things He’s called me to do. 

“…lead a life worthy of your calling, for you have been called by God.”  Ephesians 4:1

I make excuses.  I look at life circumstances.  I get caught up in the daily things of life and lose sight of heaven.  I waste the time God has given me.

Sure there is a time and place for relaxation and leisure.  But more often I want to be busy, kind of like my boys, full of energy and zest, rarely sitting still.  Not for busyness sake, nor for the world’s admiration.  I think sometimes in our culture people seek to be busy in order to appear fulfilled and in an attempt to prove their life matters.  I don’t want to be busy just to be busy.   I simply want to  live intentionally, doing the work He’s called me to.  I want to say, “Watch this, Lord” as I seek to obey Him, desiring to please and honor Him with my life.  I want to look ahead to eternity and the rewards awaiting there.  Not striving in my own power, but living in His. 

When I do sit, I want it to be in His presence, building relationship with Him.  Not only for our relationship sake, although that is important, but also so I can teach my sons how to do the same.  They follow in my footsteps, even more closely than my two year old follows big brother’s.  And I’m finding that my sphere of influence is even greater than I originally thought, reaching far beyond the confines of my home walls.  The world is watching…my friends, neighbors, loved ones, even acquaintances.   I want them to see Him in me.  I want to follow His every move, to imitate Him as I build relationships with others.  The only way I can do this is by getting to know Him intimately, being still before Him in prayer and Bible study.  It takes time.  But that is never wasted time.

I want to listen as He says, “Look at this” when I’m in His Word.  Or “Watch this” as He clearly displays His glory in my very ordinary day and life.  Then, I can give Him adequate thanks and praise. 
My time here is so short, fleeting.  It won’t be long before this season has passed.  I don’t want to just spend time, I want to cease every opportunity!  And I believe God takes notice of it. It matters.

Maybe this post is only for me, but I wonder if there are others out there who feel convicted about wasting their God given time.  How about you?  Are you living a life worthy of your calling, living intentionally?  Maybe it’s time to make some changes.  Maybe you need to let go of some excuses.  Maybe you need to take some time today to seek after Him and His best for you.  I will do the same.  Because that is never a waste of time!  

“…Stay away from believers who live idle lives…”  II Thessalonians 3:6

A short story: Next Saturday I will be at ReNEWed Life Women’s Event.  Just a few months ago, this event didn’t exist and, as far as I know, nothing like it has ever taken place in our small community.  My friend, Jill, and I had helped organize a big women’s retreat in a larger town an hour and a half from home for a few years.  Although it was such a blessing, at different times, each of us had felt God leading us to step off that leadership team.   One day afterwards, we discussed a prompting in our hearts to “do something” for the women right here in our rural community.   Normally, women around here would have to drive 1½ to 3 hours to attend a women’s conference.   As we prayed about it, the Lord clearly opened doors for National Speaker and Author Lisa Whittle to come to our rural area, small town Cresco, Iowa. 

I’m leaving out many details and many displays of God’s faithfulness.  But the reason I am sharing this, is to share this point: no matter who you are or where you are, God can use you if you are obedient and willing to do the work.  Do not waste time making excuses or looking at life circumstances, your lack of ability, resources or talent.  He will do things beyond your wildest imagination if you seek after His will and trust Him.  I can hardly wait to watch Him display His glory (again) next Saturday at this women’s event that two farmer’s wives and others in rural Iowa envisioned at His prompting!  And we will give Him all the praise and glory!

1 comment:

  1. Such a good post Rachel! I am so guilty of wasting wonder it drives me crazy when J.D. dilly dallies! Honestly God has been convicting me of this a way it will be good for school to start, it mandates more discipline from me.

    I loved your closing story as well...great reminder that we have no idea how GOD will work, but HE does! Our obedience brings blessing and provision, so looking forward to all He will do next week. I can't believe it's all here! I'm so grateful to walk this road with you; I am blessed. Thank you for being a wonderful sister in Christ...your wisdom, insight and encouragement mean more than you'll ever know!

    See you soon,
    Love, Jill


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