Monday, May 6, 2013

How Quickly Things Change~Snow Day and Mud in May~FUN DAY MONDAY

Welcome to:

It's been a wild week in Beranville.  We went from 80 degrees to 10" of snow (on May 2nd!!) .  Then back to 70 something degrees.  Our computer also had a virus.  The combination of snow and being "unplugged" for a few days was a much needed solace, believe it or not.  While others complained about the weather I took it in stride and decided to enjoy it, remembering this too would pass.  I don't always have such a good attitude, but this time I actually got it right.  :)

My boys with their snowman on Thursday, May 2nd, in the midst of getting 10" of snow.
 All that was left of their snowman on Sunday (with scarf added later).
  Don't ya just love the combo of snow and green grass?!
That's NE Iowa weather for you!!

Our melted snowman reminds me just how quickly things change!  This life is so fleeting.  It's constantly changing.  What we worry about today, the trial we think will not pass, the things we think will never change (both bad and good)...will most likely change with time.  There's only one constant, God's love for us!

Today we played in the mud!  That's what happens when snow melts.

We were in it deep!  Stuck.  My littlest guy thought we'd never get out of that pit.  We had to work hard at it.  But we did make our way out.  Oh my!  How quickly things change.  And how we learn...we should have worn knee boots like big brother did.  :)  Now, we just need to remember next time.  Because I'm sure there will be a next time.

"LORD, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away. My life is no longer than the width of my hand. An entire lifetime is just a moment to you; human existence is but a breath." We are merely moving shadows, and all our busy rushing ends in nothing. We heap up wealth for someone else to spend. And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you." Psalm 39:4-7

Yes, LORD, please remind me how quickly this life changes!  To enjoy the fleeting moments in my life, in spite of circumstances.  To give thanks in the good and even in the hard.  Help me to remember Your goodness and faithfulness at all times.  I don't want to waste a single moment complaining, needlessly rushing about or putting my hope in anything else but you.  Give me wisdom to know how to spend my brief time on this earth to honor and glorify you.  And to find joy in the everyday stuff that you put before me...snow, mud and all.  In the sweet name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen.  


  1. Wow!! Crazy weather!!! But what an awesome lesson from it!! Thanks for sharing. We are reading Ecclesiastes in small group and it confirms that our lives are fleeting, and what we focus on as important may not really be. Good word! :) Enjoy the mud!

  2. Crazy weather! I love the snowman pictures.


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